Thursday, 11 October 2012

Well it has been a busy month! We have formed the steering committee with parents from the community, a teacher and student representative, a senior from the community and the school director. At the end of September I attended a meeting in Yucuaiquin, the municipality that Las Marias belongs to, and I met with the regional superintendent along with other principals from the surrounding community schools. We have a meeting on October 12th to establish the route and times of visit for the mobile library.

I have also been busy networking and connecting with other organizations which could be helpful to us in establishing a long term project. I have visited two ministries to look into the types of legal obligations we need to look out for as we give shape to this type of project. Everyone has been helpful and I have a number of other places to visit to finalize the legal status of the mobile library.

In the meantime, we have been working to identify and speak to potential candidates for the role of librarian and hope to have someone selected, interviewed and hired by beginnning or mid November in time for our training in Nicaragua.

Now I will share some photos of the independence day events which happened during the month of September! Enjoy!

These kids are amazing, each day they gathered in an assemby in formation by grades and presented the research done on each of the 5 countries which share the same independence day: El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras and Nicaragua. On the 14th of September they did a 2 hour March around the village in noon day sun with a band leading the way and "cachiporras" or cheerleaders, typical dancers dancing and the whole student body in a march at the end (even the little ones!). Water was brought to them in plastic bags at various times during the march and the town gathered at various points to view the presentation. The culminating presentation, typical dances etc. were done at the school after a well deserved break after the march.